Florida Probate

The Only Certainties in Life Are Death, Taxes and… Probate

South Florida probate attorneys are always in high demand. Both Mark Twain and Benjamin Franklin have pointed out that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. The other certainty in Florida is probate. Probate is the legal process used in Florida by which property in the estate of a Florida resident is transferred to the heirs or intended beneficiaries of that deceased person. Simply, it’s how we get the assets of the deceased into the hands of the living. Probate is always necessary in Florida. Whether or not the decedent has a Will, the estate will must encounter the Florida probate court in order to be distributed.

Probate Is the Mandatory Process of Transferring Assets to Beneficiaries

Florida Law requires professional legal representation during probate proceedings when the estate is over $75,000. The probate process becomes even more complicated with a larger and more complex estate. One can generally expect the probate process to last at least 6 months for simpler estates and it is common for the probate of more complicated estates to last years before it is resolved. Our South Florida Probate attorneys have the experience and understand necessary to take a daunting situation and turn it into an easy and cost-effective transition.

Our Probate Attorneys Take the Stress Out of the Probate Process

Utilizing the services of our South Florida probate attorneys will ensure that every conceivable possibility is accounted for; even those not readily apparent to beneficiaries of an estate. Handling the probate of an estate can be a stressful, worrisome, and expensive process if not handled correctly. Retaining our South Florida probate law firm for representation can mitigate these harsh effects and facilitate a smoother ride through the probate administration process.

Probate is Inevitable and Must Be Attended to as Quickly as Possible

While the death rate in South Florida is 100 percent, most Florida residents will only have to deal with the death of a loved one once or twice in a lifetime. However, when someone close to us dies, it is often a confusing and emotional time. Thoughts immediately shift to feelings of loss, preparing the funeral and even sitting Shiva or organizing a wake. The last thing we want to think about in that situation is probating the assets of the loved one who just passed but the fact remains, probate in Florida is inevitable and must be attended to as quickly as possible.

For more information on successful Florida estate planning and probate techniques, please contact the South Florida law firm of WFP Law, P.A. at 954-944-2855 to schedule your free consultation. It’s a Wild world. Are you protected?

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